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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

The inability of the Left to make important distinctions

MAGA hats are racist.  MAGA hats are divisive.  MAGA hats are a vehicle of white supremacy.

Here are a few recent examples.

"Why Trump's MAGA hats have become a potent symbol of racism" is the title of one article written in just the last few days.

"The MAGA hat, like the Confederate flag, wouldn't elicit outraged reactions if it were only a piece of cloth that harkened back to bygone days never to be relived. But it isn't. It is a signifier for those who believe America was great during some point in the past they dare not name, knowing if they do, it would reveal a time when it was worse for people of color. When was America "great"? When millions of black people were slaves? When hundreds of thousands of black men were sold to US companies via convict leasing? Maybe during the heart of Jim Crow, the height of lynching, or when black people struggling with drug addictions were viewed as criminals to be controlled, not fellow human beings needing help?"

"You can read the white rage in their MAGA hats"

"Alyssa Milano: 'The red MAGA hat is the new white hood'" 

Triggered over a MAGA hat.  by a CNN commentator!!

So what do I mean by the inability of the Left to make important distinctions?
  1. They can't see how America was ever great if it was flawed, such as in treatment of the indigenous peoples or in slavery.  By this measure, no one and no nation is ever great, nor could be.  Rome wasn't great.  Because only perfection is great, but nothing human is perfect.  They can't recognize that people and nations can be great and yet flawed.  Our Founding Fathers were great people for the most part.  But some of them supported slavery and others didn't but were slave owners.  The Greatest Generation was just that, but by today's standards we couldn't call them great because they didn't get rid of Jim Crow and racism.  Martin Luther and Martin Luther King, Jr. were great, but both deeply flawed.  The first was anti-Semitic, and the second an adulterer.  I would argue that the ability to make distinctions is the sign of maturity.  We should be able to recognize that Rome was great, but had serious flaws.  We can acknowledge the great good that MLK Jr. did, but not ignore the sins and flaws in his life.
  2. They can't see how people can wear a MAGA hat for different reasons.  There are undoubtedly racists and white supremacists who support Trump.  But those on the Left assume that anyone who wears such a hat or supports Trump is a racist or white supremacist, just because some of his supporters are.  But not all of his supporters are.  There are a lot of reasons why people supported Trump or would like to make America great again.  But the Left wants to associate all or most of his supporters with those groups.  This is utter nonsense and shows the lack of intellectual sophistication on the Left.  
  3. Anything that the Left disagrees with is reaaallllyyyy bad.  Like Hitler bad.  Or KKK bad.   Just because something is bad, doesn't mean it's totally, terribly, completely evil.  Really?  You can't make distinctions about how bad things relative to other things?  Everything is equally good or equally bad?
  4. The Left doesn't get that Trump doesn't care about words.  He uses them, but they don't mean that much to him.  What he cares about is getting things done, and words help him get there.  Results are what matter.  To the Left, results mean very little.  What does matter is words, and process, and feelings.  This is why Trump's gotten so much done.  If results mattered to the Left they would abandon many of their policies (such as the war on poverty) and try something else.
  5. The Left can't distinguish between legal and illegal immigration.  If you are against the latter, you be against all immigration.  And you are a racist.  Really?
  6. If I disagree with something, then I hate it.  Really?  You don't see the difference between hate (see my previous post) and disagreeing?  Hate means a strong dislike and a desire for bad things to someone or an idea. 
Is this an unwillingness or an inability?
  • Are those on the Left unwilling to make such distinctions?  If so, are they lazy, or evil?
  • Are they unable to?  If so, then are they mentally deficient, or merely uneducated?
Friends and others on the Left.  
Grow up.  
Develop some mental muscle and the ability to distinguish between things, ideas, and people.

If you are on the Right, you are probably agreeing with me at this point.  If you are a moderate Democrat, you are perhaps annoyed at my painting all Democrats with the same brush and not making any distinctions.  You might even accuse me of doing the same thing that I'm accusing the Left of doing.  And you would be mostly correct.  First, how do you like my doing what the Left does most of the time?  Second, please call out those on the Left when they are over top and when they fail to make distinctions.  Then we can make distinctions where they need to be made and begin to respect each other's views and each other.

thank you!


  1. You say that wearing a MAGA hat does not make you a racist, but doesn't supporting a racist make you a racist? You say that the left makes it seem like everyone who supports Trump is a white supremacist, just because some of his supporters are. Isn't that the same as how the right makes all immigrants out to be dangerous criminals, when only some of them are? Isn't that the same as when the right thinks of all Muslims as terrorists? You can say that this stereotyping is only done to protect the country from threats, but I would argue that white supremacists are just as much of a threat to our nation. By hypocritically accusing the other party of things that your party does an equal amount, we just become more divided and make less progress as a country.

  2. The fact that so many Republicans simply ignore his words and dismiss them as "he doesn't care about what he says" is the greatest evidence of their selective blindness. Trump's administration has been unquestionably the most corrupt since Nixon's, and his "achievements" amount to ballooning the deficit with spend-happy tax cuts, withdrawing from one real, verifiable nuclear deal to tweet about one that simply hasn't happened, and failing to actually reform a healthcare system that his party spent the last six years bashing. He has no real, significant achievements to his name, so all that is left to judge his administration by is his words and his platform.

    If a person supports Donald Trump, it isn't first support for MAGA, then Trump - it's support for Donald Trump, then MAGA. The act of wearing a MAGA hat indicates the wearer supports a man with racist, fascist tendencies. Liberals do distinguish: either the wearer is racist or authoritarian and supports him, or the wearer is not paying attention and somehow believes that his fluffed-up achievements are enough to outweigh the racism and rampant corruption that have so far characterized his administration. Both of these opinions are rightly mocked.

    Most Americans believe in American greatness; only some feel the need to write "again."

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It says on your profile that you retired from you school that you taught at, but i seem to remember the events that took place a little different. I do seem to remember you getting fired. (also MAGA screams hate, the people that support MAGA and Trump have a hate like I have never seen from anyone. And on trump being racist... he is he has told people to go back to their own country just for trying to better the country (which is what the were elected to do) and yes that is racist. Trump is homophobic, racist, sexist, and many others, and he is the wrong person to be . running this country.
